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Dr. Jagir Singh alongwith his spouse, Mrs. Kulwant Kaur, visits the house of Pt. Yashpaul Ji (in Sector 37, Chandigarh), who has been nominated for being felicitated by Sangeet Natak Academi Award, to congratulate him on the great and deserving achievement. A Slideshow of some pictures taken on the occasion by Pt. Yashpaul's son, Mr. Ajay Yashpaul:
Personal Information: He was born in Gujranwala in 1937. His parents and ancestors were lovers and connoisseurs of Music. having a ‘musical ambience’ around him. The presence pf galaxy of great performers and Ustads not only influenced him but also inspired him develop his remarkable sense and taste for music. He could appreciate the performances, their style and art. After the partition his parents migrated to India and got settled in Jalandhar, where he was initiated into music seriously under the care and training of worthy Guru Pt. Kasturilal ji ‘Jassra’, who himself was the disciple of Late Ustad Chhotte Ghulam Ali Khan Saheb of Lahore. TRAINING AND GROOMING: He was greatly influenced by the great performers and Ustads like Ustad Vilayat Hussain Khan Saheb, Ustad Bade Ghulam Ali Khan Saheb, Pt. Malikarjan Mansoor Ji. Ultimately he received systematic and proper training and grooming from the following great gurus and enriched his knowledge:- Late Ustad Vilayat Hussain Khan Saheb “Pran Piya”. Late Ustad Yunus Hussain Khan Saheb “Darpan”. Late Ustad Anwaar Hussain Khan Saheb “…..”. Late Ustad Latafat Hussain Khan Saheb “Prem Das”. Late Ustad Sharafat Hussain Khan Saheb “Prem Rang”. Late Ustad Azmat Hussain Khan Saheb.
AWARDS & HONOR: He was awarded “The Top Grade” by the directorate general All India Radio Ministry of I&B – Govt. of India New Delhi. He is an affectionately respected adored senior most, performing artiste from this region. He is an artiste of par excellence and a restless innovatory genius. He is a dedicated educationist as well. He has made a signal contribution to the training of young vocalists, many of whom have achieved high distinction in this part of the country. He has innovated special features of his system of training to benefit the learners. He established his reputation as a popular performing artiste, composer and teacher. One of his students was awarded the prestigious Sangeet Natak Akadmi award by the President of India of July 6, 2003 at Bombay (Mumbai). AWARD OF HONOUR AND HONORIFIC TITLE
"A DEDICATED EDUCATIONIST" by Shaheed Memorial Service Society (REGD.) Ludhiana. PERFORMING CAREER:1948: He made his debut in vocal classical music from the stage of “Swami Harballabh Sangeet Sammelan” Devi Talab Jalanchar in 1948. Since then he continuously performed from this stage for about 20 years. During the period of 55 years he has given numerous public performances, radio programmes and participated in National Programmes and Radio Sangeet Sammelans of Akashvani and Doordarshan. His performances in India and abroad have been widely appreciated. 1952: ASSOCIATION WITH ALL INDIA RADIO (AKASHVANI): He has been associated with All India Radio Jalandhar since 1952 when he was selected as a visiting artiste to broadcast his programmes from the station. Presently he is a Top Grade artiste of Akashvani and Doordarshan Jalandhar. The Tribune News: 3 maestros from region to get Sangeet Natak awards In a Tête-à-tête with Nonika Singh: "I do not sing to entertain..." He has dedicated his entire life to music: Download Profile of Pandit Yashpaul |